well, this is the only hobby that saved my life. if I didn't find my sister's old classic guitar, I don't know what I would be now. I really didn't expect that this fingers from both of my hands could play a lot of melodies that can express everything.
first, don't listen to some folks who said that people who play guitar like a street musician (pengamen jalanan -.-"). ckckck. hellow, I'm not a type like that. If you understand about music, you wouldn't say that.

okay, I started to play guitar since I'm in junior high school. just as I looked at my friends who can play music in class with their guitars, I think it would be fun if I can played it too. honestly I found my sister's old classic guitar accidentally. so, I started to play it and listened to some songs (this one is the first song that I always played and makes everyone who listened to me become bored. lol. Linkin' Park - A Place For My Head =P) and practice and practice and practice again. phew, my fingers became so numb because the effect of my practice. XD
I've played many-many songs, like Peterpan - Semua Tentang Kita (this is the first song that I played with classic strum technique), Ten 2 Five - I Will Fly (this song was very popular that time and everyone always played or sang it), Muse - Time Is Running Out, Mocca - Secret Admirer (kyaaa~.. I love this songgg.. XD), Cokelat - Bendera, etc.

I started to learn playing electric guitar after I entered senior high school. I chose to participate in X'kul Band Tar'Q 2 because I'm not too good for sports like volley ball or basket ball and I can play guitar. hahahaha. =P

and then, me & my friends created the band on our second year. my band's named 'LYRIC'. really, I didn't expect (again) about this one. who knows that my band could won a lot of competitions from every school's cup.

of course we're all really happy & we started to loved for gathering together to playing music like this. joy and sorrow, conflicts, jokes we're always together. I've learned a lot of things from this band. I learned about team works, how to make a good arrangement, how to play solo in a song, having fun together in every practice, etc. after we had some experiments from every music genres, finally we found our band's music genres: pop-funk. (I hope it's not jazz. -.-") a lot of songs that we played, like: chrisye - anak sekolah, sinanggar tulo, titiek puspa - marilah kemari, nike ardilla - panggung sandiwara, ungu - tercipta untukku, michael bubble - L.O.V.E, rossa - sakura, rasa sayange, boneagers - lord you are good, etc. thanks to my guitars & my skills (although still very lousy that time). if I didn't met with this thing called 'guitar', I really REALLY don't know what I would be now. thanks, GOD. *terharu* =') oh, almost forgot. also thanks to our seniors who helped us a lot of things. =)

at my third year in senior high school, my band also helped our new juniors created a new band for our X'kul Band Tar'Q 2. they called themselves as 'D'Chronicle' band, with members: sharleen (vocal), dirman (drum) [after he graduated, the position was replaced by rian], wiempy (bass), cornelius (guitar) [but he resigned suddenly because he felt that he didn't match with the band. too bad.], aris (guitar), paramitta (keyboard). their music genres are funk - pop - groove. =D I also asked to helped their guitarist, aris, to teach him some skills for electric guitar because he haven't played it correctly before. (although my own music genre is rock and it's different from their music genres. lol. XD)

by our achievements from winning and participate a lot of competitions, we have been trusted by our school to take a lot of great competition like Indomie Jingle Dare 2008 (the first time I learned how to make a recording & on of the biggest competition that I've ever been participated), BSI and CTV Banten Band Competition (this is the proof where there were a lot of our beloved friends and supporters who always supported us. thanks, guys.), etc.
my band is with 3 formations like this:

first formation: (when the first time this band created at the end of year 2006)
hendy (vocal), ivander (drum), jacquin (bass), me ^^ (guitar), andrew (guitar), ricky (keyboard), navanta (keyboard)

second formation: (this is the formation for the Indomie Jingle Dare competition because our bassist, jacquin, can't participate again because of his health problems)
hendy (vocal), ivander (drum), francine (bass), me ^^ (guitar), andrew (guitar), ricky (keyboard), navanta (keyboard)

third formation: (this is the last formation until I graduated from senior high school. one of our guitarist, andrew resigned because he need to concentrate to study for entering medical major for university)
hendy (vocal), ivander (drum), francine (bass), me ^^ (guitar), ricky (keyboard), navanta (keyboard)

after we're graduated from senior high school (except francine because she's on her third year at senior high school) and my vocalist leave to medan, there were a new juniors entered Tar'q 2 senior high school. we as the alumni still asked to help them to open an audition for creating new band. they called themselves as 'VoLvoX' band, with members: febe (vocal) [replaced with nickson], lisa (drum), reginald (bass), petrus (guitar), kevin (guitar), angelia (ricky's lil sister / keyboard). their music genres are... I forgot. wkwkwk. I guess its pop-rock-funk-jazz. =D honestly, we still supported our juniors in every competition and they really appreciated it. ^^
NOW: (when I wrote this post at age 20th)
I continued my study at binus university in computer science major. don't worry, I still playing guitar until now. ahahaha. =P
I've been helped to study guitar skills from music centers like:

Trimusica Art Center (for classical guitar, oh GOD this is my 6th year. T.T)

and PCMS Pluit (for electric guitar, I've got a lot of new friends from there. hehehe. ).
well, that's my story which began with just a guitar. I really thankful for everything that I still have hands with fingers to playing music from guitar. =)
I promise that someday I'll become a great musician. that's my goal that I've been set before I graduated from senior high school. I hope this post will give you some useful inspirations. =)

thank you for reading my post. see you next time! bye..